The Alamo Area Health Information Management Association (AAHIMA) is looking for members to serve on the Board of Directors. Nominees must be active members in good standing. The Board positions and responsibilities are as follows:
President-Elect (3 year term)
Serves the first year in a mode of “learning the ropes” and supporting the other AAHIMA Officers in their roles
Performs the duties of the President in his/her absence, and serves as an ex-officio member of all committees (except the Nominating Committee).
After the first year of service, the President-elect will assume the role of AAHIMA President; third year of service is Past President
Presides at AAHIMA Board and Membership meetings
Oversees budget with the Treasurer
Coordinates meeting venues and catering
Designated as primary delegate to the TxHIMA Board of Delegates (if a meeting is called by TxHIMA)
Past President:
Chair, Nominating Committee: Works with the Nominating Committee members to obtain names of candidates, counts ballots, and report results to the President and the Board of Directors.
Chair, Bylaws Committee
Provides advice to the President and Board of Directors
Secretary (1 year term)
Records all District VII board meeting proceedings and prepare minutes. Maintain permanent record of said meetings and make available to board members at all meetings.
Provides quarterly agenda timeline/speakers/topics for meetings in timely manner to Webmaster, KnowledgeConnex for posting to AAHIMA website.
Coordinates the volunteers that assist with meetings
Registers Speakers and Student Volunteers for quarterly meetings
Assists Treasurer with on-site registration for quarterly meetings
Treasurer (1 year term)
Maintains and balances AAHIMA bank account
Quarterly meeting registration: collecting unpaid fees, checking in attendees; collecting membership dues
Files taxes or makes arrangements for taxes to be completed by a third party
Purchases the Speaker “thank you” gifts and raffle items